Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon at MSC 3700 on USF Tampa.
Attendance & Introductions. There were sixteen members present, including nine council members, and two guests.
Minutes. May 18 minutes approved.
President’s report. Discussion of summer employment.
- Treasury. We are solvent.
- Communications. We will be working on webstuff this summer. In September, the Humanities Institute is sponsoring a presentation by Stacy Braukman; the topic is the Johns Committee.
- Motion made and seconded to allocate at most $ 500 to co-sponsor a reception for the USF Humanities Institute presentation by Stacy Braukman. Motion to table until the next meeting passed.
- Bargaining. Discussion of major issues.
- President’s report. The current situation at USFP, and plans for the teach-out next year.
- Grievances. Discussion of outstanding issues.
These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 2 June 2012.