Attendance & Introductions. There were thirteen members in attendance, including nine members of the Chapter Council, insufficient for a quorum. There were also two guests.
Minutes. 23 September 2011 minutes approved.
Students for a Democratic Society. Dustin Ander of the SDS made a presentation, and there was a discussion of common concerns.
- Treasury. We are solvent.
- Communications. Discussion of bookkeeping an scale of the Biweekly.
- Membership. Adrian Berraducci nominated to the Services Committee and supported unanimously; subsequently approved by the Chapter Council.
- Grievances. There are a lot of grievances, especially in certain units.
- Bargaining. Faculty and administrators often do not read the contract.
USF Poly. UFF is conducting a survey of faculty views.
These minutes respectfully resubmitted by G. McColm on 9 October 2011.