Chapter meeting draft agenda, October 19

Chapter meeting, 11:45 a.m., EDU 413 (please note time change to accommodate consultation with administration at 1 pm). Tentative agenda:

  1. Agenda amendment/approval
  2. Announcements
  3. Grievance procedure (see draft below)
  4. Reports
  5. For the good of the order

Consultation topics

Every semester, the chapter has the right to two consultations with the administration over matters that are not subjects of collective bargaining (i.e., issues that can be discussed outside collective bargaining sessions). Below are the topics that the chapter has identified thus far to be discussed at one of the two fall sessions (the first one is this Friday, October 19):

  • Faculty turnover
  • The new ORP => FRS law (Chapter 2007-092)
  • Domestic-abuse leave (F.S. 741.313)
  • Calendar for administrators on CBA obligations
  • Mentoring programs for faculty
  • New-hire welcome
  • Annual-review procedures update
  • GEMS supplementation
  • H1B/Permanent residency status
  • Environmental controls and employees (i.e., what happens as we save energy)
  • Appointment continuity and insurance

Impact bargaining session October 12

The next collective bargaining session is October 12, 3-5 pm, in SVC 2070. This is for the purposes of impact bargaining in response to the university’s raising class sizes. (Impact bargaining is when a union and management bargain over the impact of a managerial decision that is within managerial rights.)

Draft agenda for Sept 7 chapter meeting

Sept. 7 chapter meeting, 12 noon, EDU 413
1. Approval of agenda
2. Misc. announcements (will be written)
3. State budget and layoffs
4. Class sizes
5. Consultation
6. Reports

1. Bargaining
2. Grievances
3. Communications
4. Treasurer
5. Political action
6. Membership

7. “Over the horizon” issues
8. Other business
9. For the good of the order